Over the years we have collected some amazing footage of marine mammals in Baja California. After finally going through it all, we managed to create some fun and informative whale videos that we hope you’ll enjoy:

A Humpback Whale’s Tale:

Humpback whales visit Baja California every winter to mate and give birth to their calves.

This is the story of a Humpback mother and calf told from the whales perspective.

She teaches us about her kind and appeals to us to remember that like whales and all other species we humans rely on nature to survive.

Will we listen?

Close encounters with beings from another world:

We don’t need to travel to outer space to encounter beings from another world…
Our oceans contain life beyond imagination and sometimes we are lucky enough to see it up close and personal.

Magdalena Bay in Baja California Sur, Mexico is famous for SUPER close encounters with friendly and curious Gray whales that bring their young within touching distance of whale watchers.

Looking into the eyes and blowholes of 40 ton whales and their calves is an experience unlike any other!!!

Orcas hunt a Humpback whale calf and eat it’s tongue:

Warning: Images may be disturbing

Amazing never before seen footage of Orcas hunting a Humpback whale calf and consuming its tongue. Shot off Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

While fully grown Humpback whales have little to fear from Orcas, their calves are a favorite prey item for the transient Killers that frequently visit the Baja California peninsula. Orcas are such successful hunters that they can afford to be picky eaters. In the case of whale calves they will often eat only the tongue and leave the rest of the carcass to scavengers.

The hunt went on for over an hour with the mother Humpback and and an escort fighting to fend of the Killers. Eventually, as is often the case, the Orcas prevailed. We then witnessed something truly incredible! The largest male in the pod spent over an hour circling our boat holding the young whale in his mouth, almost as if showing off their prize (we try not to assign human attributes to non-humans but in cases like this it is hard not to)! The Orcas then proceeded to eat the tongue of the young whale right below us, allowing us the opportunity to capture this unique footage.

It was a bittersweet experience. We love all Cetaceans and animals and were heartbroken as well as in awe as we watched these scenes unfold.

Marine Mammals of Cabo San Lucas:

Cabo San Lucas is the meeting point of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez. These waters are rich in marine mammals such as Humpback, Blue, Gray & other great whale species.

We also see Orcas, Dolphins, Sea Lions and more!

Humpback Whales – 5 Amazing Acrobatic Maneuvers:

Breaching, fin slapping, peduncle throws, spy hopping and head lunges. Humpbacks are the greatest acrobats of the whale world!

Learn about the reasons for these behaviors and see amazing footage of giants in action!

Remember to check out our other videos and subscribe to see our future projects!